Prevent falls and keep your patients safe

As a care and support professional, you are at the heart of your patients’ safety and well-being.
The INDIE belt offers an innovative solution for preventing falls and giving your patients peace of mind, wherever they are, whether at home, in a nursing home or in a healthcare establishment.

With our CE-marked medical device, you can receive real-time alerts in the event of a fall, enabling you to intervene quickly and effectively.

Scientific and medical expertise

The development of the INDIE belt marks an unprecedented advance in knowledge about movement health in people with impaired movement.

It is supervised by a scientific committee made up of experts from the hospital and university world, guaranteeing the effectiveness of the approach and the quality of the results.

Learn more about INDIENOV

Why recommend the INDIENOV belt ?

Propose an effective and approved medical device

Our device is designed to offer the best technology with high medical standards, guaranteeing optimal quality and reliability.

Respond to a public health issue

Every year worldwide, 2 million hip fractures, resulting in 30% of deaths within a year and 50% loss of independence.

Offer a complete solution

What’s more, our complete offering includes not only the belt and its essential accessories, but also commercial and technical services and a mobile application, giving you an all-in-one solution to meet the needs of your customers and patients.


Your commercial partnership with INDIENOV offers you :

A commitment to public health by contributing to the national anti-fall scheme.

Customised partnerships, tailored to your specific needs, for an effective, tailor-made collaboration.

A dedicated space on the INDIENOV application, making it easy to activate your patients’ subscriptions and simplifying your day-to-day management.

Support and after-sales service available to answer all your questions and concerns, with a team based in France.

A commitment to public health by contributing to the national anti-fall scheme.

Customised partnerships, tailored to your specific needs, for an effective, tailor-made collaboration.

A dedicated space on the INDIENOV application, making it easy to activate your patients’ subscriptions and simplifying your day-to-day management.

Support and after-sales service available to answer all your questions and concerns, with a team based in France.

Join us today to improve patient safety.

Our scientific committe

Innovation overseen by science and medicine

Président Pr Jean-Noël Argenson

Chef du service de chirurgie orthopédique de l’hôpital Sainte-Marguerite, Marseille. Chef du pôle locomoteur du CHU de Marseille.

Pr Patrick Villani

Chef du service de gériatrie de l’hôpital Sainte-Marguerite et chef de service posturgence de l’hôpital de la Timone (Marseille).

Pr Patrick Chabrand

Professeur des universités, chercheur à l’Institut des sciences du mouvement (CNRS-Aix-Marseille Université), président du Groupe interdisciplinaire en biomécanique ostéoarticulaire et
cardiovasculaire (GiBoc, AP-HM).

Pr Guillaume Rao

Professeur des universités, chercheur à l’Institut des sciences du mouvement, directeur scientifique de la plateforme Technosport, responsable d’équipe Performance motrice et modélisation multi-échelles.

Pr Benjamin Blondel

Chirurgien orthopédique et praticien hospitalier à La Timone.

Dr Anthony Fleury

PhD, HDR, maître de conférences et chercheur
(sciences informatiques et intelligence artificielle) à
l’Institut Mines-Télécom Nord-Europe (Douai).

Medical and social establishments

  • Optimise the safety and well-being of your residents
  • Benefit from a partnership tailored to your needs
  • Offer your residents the very best in security technology

Medical equipment retailers

  • Boost your business
  • Boost your offering with an innovative falls prevention solution
  • Join our partner network
  • Benefit from exclusive advantages, training and technical support services

Personal and home care services companies

  • Diversify your offer and improve the quality of your services
  • Benefit from preferential rates, high-quality after-sales service and personalised assistance
  • Maintain contact and improve patient safety